莫里斯·格林伯格 (Maurice Greenberg) 是一位美国企业家,是美国保险业的最有影响力的领袖之一,曾经担任美国国际集团 (American International Group) 董事长,现任C.V.史带投资集团 (C.V. Starr & Co., Inc.) 董事长、首席执行官,美中关系全国委员会 (National Committee on United States-China Relations) 副主席。2018年12月18日,中国共产党党中央、国务院授予格林伯格中国改革友谊奖章。4月5日,格林伯格在 « 华尔街日报 » 以广告形式发表给美中两国领导人的公开信。除了格林伯格,还有其他22名美国知名的企业家和前政府高官在信上签名。公开信呼吁进行两国开展强有力的对话,以缓解加剧的紧张局势并更好地处理分歧。

(We are writing to encourage the leadership of both the United States and China to work together diligently to repair and stabilize the state of affairs between our two countries. We call for more robust dialogue now to alleviate the heightened temperature and better manage our many differences.)
(The U.S. and China stand at a pivotal moment in global history. As the world’s two largest economies, with the two most expansive strategic footprints, our bilateral relationship is the most important one in the world. Together, we share the great responsibility of preserving global peace and stability. Not only can we jointly maintain and promote peace, but our combined efforts can also achieve great strides in some of humanity’s most pressing challenges, from poverty mitigation and world hunger to climate change and human health. Pursuing a path to conflict is untenable and would likely lead to one of humankind’s most unfortunate chapters.)
(Our two countries have a long history of cooperation and common understanding. For the past fifty years, we have developed a dynamic trading partnership with hundreds of billions of dollars invested in each other’s economies. The recent, alarming deterioration in bilateral relations jeopardizes the rich, shared history. It is in the national interest of both countries to reestablish a constructive dialogue based on mutual respect and a genuine desire to heal the relationship with courage and wisdom.)
(The world is watching. The stakes could not be higher. We must move forward together with great urgency and purpose.)
董事长兼首席执行官 C.V.史带投资集团